Services for Qagan Tayagungin Tribal Members

Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association (APIA) is a non-profit tribal organization of the Aleut people in Alaska providing services including cultural heritage, health, education, social, psychological, employment, vocational training, environment, natural resources and public safety services.  A number of these services are available for Qagan Tayagungin Tribal members.  The Qagan Tayagungin Tribe will work diligently to provide a comprehensive list as possible of the various services offered by APIA for our tribal members both here on our website, and at the Tribal Office in Sand Point.

APIA no longer provides scholarship or employment, placement and training services for Qagan Tayagungin Tribal members.  The Tribe is working with the BIA to assume these programs, and will be releasing information as soon as we have received the contract from the BIA and put them into place. 

Housing Improvement Program

The Housing Improvement Program (HIP-BIA) is a Grant Program to help eligible Indians & Alaska Natives Repair/Renovate existing housing or build New Homes.  For more information on this program, please check out the flyer.  The deadline to submit applications to APIA office is January 15, 2015.

Elder Nutrition Program

Promotes nutrition awareness and encourages eating healthy foods by supplementing elders’ diets with foods low in fat and sodium and high in fiber.

Foster Care

APIA's ICWA Program has a contract with the State of Alaska to license foster homes in the Anchorage and Aleutian/Pribilof Islands Region. Once the licensing process is completed and all approvals come back, the home is given a license by the State of Alaska to provide foster care for children.

Energy Assistance

Provided to individuals / families who’s home and/or personal possessions are either destroyed or damaged through forces beyond their control, such as in a fire.

Tribal Child Support Program

Services available through Tribal Child Support Program- Paternity Establishment, Child Support order establishment/modification/enforcement, parent locate, case management.

Burial Assistance

Provides assistance in paying for the cost of burial on behalf of the deceased.

Child Care Assistance

Subsidizes the cost of child care for parents who are in school full-time or working.