Resolution 17-01 A Resolution in Support of ADF&G, Division of Subsistence and Department of Anthropology, Idaho State University to Engage in Effort to Better Understand the Harvest, Use, And Distribution Network of Salmon and Other Resources for Subsistence Uses in the Communities of: Cold Bay, King Cove, Sand Point, the Aleutians East Borough, and Elsewhere
Resolution 17-02 A Resolution Authorizing the Applicaiton for the U.S. Department of Justice Coordinated Tribal Assistantce Solicitation Under Purpose Area 9
Resoluiton 17-05 A Resolution Supporting the Qagan Tayagungin Tribe's Submission of a Grant Applicaiton to the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) for 2017 Invasive Specis (IS) Program and Tribal Youth Initiative (TYI) Program
Resolution 17-07 A Resolution Authorizing tribal officials to initiate disbursements and receive information on tribal accounts from the office of the special trustee for American Indians
Resolution 17-08 A Resolution authorizing the execution of an agreeement with Brechan Construction, LLC to upgrade the Sand Point Harbor Road
Resolution 17-09 A Resolution Authorizing Qagan Tayagungin Tribal participation in an evaluation of Title VI Program
Resolution 17-10 A Resolution Sanctioning the Arctic Slope Community Foundation to accept funding on behalf of the community from the U.S. Department of Education, Alaska native education program to support educational programs for alaska natives in the community
Resolution 17-11 A Resolution of the Qagan Tayagungin Tribe Authorizing the President to enter a contract for the FY16 Nalemp Cooperative Agreement
Resolution 17-12 A Resolution approving the tribe's updated long range transportation plan in 2017, and to add to the tribe's inventory for the Bureau of Indian Affairs Tribal Transportation Program
Resolution 17-13 A Resolution of the Qagan Tayagungin Tribe appointing election judges for the October 3,2017 regular tribal election