2010 Annual Christmas Potluck a Success

December 18, 2010 the Qagan Tayagungin Tribe held its 2010 Annual Christmas Potluck.  It was a great success due largely in part to the following entities who donated to this large event:
  • City of Sand Point
  • Fleetwelding Services
  • Aleutian Pribilof Island Association
  • Aleutian Housing Authority
  • Unga Tribal Council
  • Carl's Trading
  • Trident Seafood's
  • Alaska Commercial
  • Agate Pulltabs
Thank you so much for all the generous donations! 

In addition to the entities who donated money, food, and items towards making this community event a success, there were also a number of individuals who donates their time towards making this large event a success.

Thank you to all the people who wrapped gifts for all the children, and for the adult door prizes:
  • Alice Kalmakoff
  • Lisa Jackson
  • Margaret Eubank
  • Akenese Blakemore
  • Christine Nielsen
  • Clarissa Devine
Thank you to all the people who brought a dish to share at the potluck, and a special thank you to the following people who cooked the turkeys, hams, and roasts purchased by/donated to the tribe:
  • Christine Nielsen
  • Edith Jacobsen
  • Carry Ward
  • Peter Devine
  • Jason Bjornstad
  • Rayette McGlashan
  • Joanna Ludvick
  • Shannon Sommer
  • Nellie Roehl
  • Lorna Osterback
  • Jamal Berntsen
Finally, it takes a considerable amount of man power to setup for such a large event.  The City of Sand Point generously allowed us to borrow all of their chairs and tables from the city building to use in the community center to ensure there would be enough seating for everyone.  A special thank you to the following individuals who assisted in transporting all the tables and chairs to and from the community center, and setting up:
  • Charles Jackson
  • Ernest Gilbert Jr.
  • Alice Kalmakoff
  • Tiffany Jackson
Thank you also to Max Chebetnoy, Lundy Johansen, and Clarissa Devine for assisting in setting up for the potluck, and to the Lundgren family (Taylor, Cherilyn, and Timmy), Brandon Gundersen, Alyssa Ludvick, Austin Roof, Dick and Edith Jacobsen, Jason and Kelly Bjornstad, and everyone else who stayed after the potluck to help clean up.  If I've forgotten anyone's name it was not intentional, we deeply appreciate all the help received in making this community event such a large success.  Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!