How to Apply

Households who would like to apply for the FDPIR program must do so though the Qagan Tayagungin Tribal Office.  All applications at a minimum must include:

  • the completed application form (link to the form at the bottom of this page)
  • pay stub for everyone in the household who's working for the past 30 days
  • a copy of a current utility bill
  • If you are self employed (including commercial fishermen), please complete a self-employment worksheet (link to the form at the bottom of this page)
  • If you, or any adult in your household, does not have any income, please complete a zero income statement (link to the form at the bottom of this page)


Once all documentation has been received, Tribal staff will forward it to ANTHC for processing.  ANTHC has up to seven (7) business days to respond to the application.  ANTHC may request additional information from the household.  If there are adults in the household who are not working, we encourage those individuals to complete a Zero Income Statement as well.  If ANTHC does not respond withing seven (7) business days, the household may be Certified Pending Verification (CPV'd).


Food Distribution Application Policy and Issuance Schedule

  • Applications are accepted every business day. The office has seven (7) business days from the date of receipt to determine each household applicant’s eligibility
  • Eligible clients, or their designee, must be ready to pick up their food distribution benefits during POSTED weeks of each month for the 2020 calendar year.
January 20-24
February 17-23
March 16-20
April 20-24
May 18-22
June 15-19
July 20--24
August 17-21
September 21-25
October 19-23
November 18-22
December 16-20

This distribution schedule is subject to change without notice due to delays in barge schedules. The tribe may, however, opt to use a different issuance schedule, from time to time, on a case-by-case basis, in order to accommodate households who are in dire need of nutritional food assistance; or will suffer undue hardship if un-served.


This agency is an equal opportunity provider